Fresh Start is our ongoing financial coaching program. It is designed for you if you are just starting your financial journey and want to create a solid foundation for future financial success. Additionally, the program is designed for you if you have gotten off track, financially, and need a fresh start. Perhaps a life changing event has occurred, or debt has gotten out of hand. Whatever the situation, we will work with you to get things back on track. This program offers more guidance than a typical financial planning relationship. This is also a good program if you have been turned away by a traditional financial advisor.


The Fresh Start Program is a 2-4 month personal coaching program. It is customized to your needs, but usually consists of about 10 hours worth of coaching over that time period. You can expect a more robust meeting schedule, and a more guided approach than a typical financial planning relationship. We will focus on creating a spending plan, debt management, and the establishment of healthy financial habits. The overarching goal is to help you learn optimize financial resources and cash flow in order to advance your financial goals. You will always have email access to your advisor as well.


Contact Us

Have a question? Send us a quick note and we will get right back to you.

What's Your Wealth Building Potential?

Take a short assessment to gain some insight on your potential to build and maintain wealth.

What's Your Investment Risk Number?

Take a short assessment to discover your investment risk tolerance expressed as a number. An advisor will contact you to discuss the results and offer you a free analysis of your current investment portfolio

Schedule a Call or Meeting

Schedule a free 30 minute introductory phone call or video chat