At KWM we love our jobs. We are passionate about personal finance and we are passionate about helping our clients. The relationship between the financial advisor and the client is collaborative and requires open and honest communication, cooperation, empathy and a good attitude. You can expect the same from us. 

We strive to offer services to fit diverse needs and budgets. We specialize in working with people who may have uneven income and cash flow due to the nature of their careers. If you are a content creator, a solopreneur, or work in sales, we are an ideal fit for you. We will help you properly leverage your cash flow to reach your future goals and feel confident in your financial future.

Some examples of who we work best with include:

  • Bloggers, YouTubers, and other content creators
  • Real Estate Agents and Realtors
  • Solopreneurs
  • Solo Practitioners
  • Flight Crew


Investment Management

We believe our core-satellite approach to investment management is a "best of both worlds" balance between passive and tactical investment management. We don’t rely on the same model portfolios for all of our clients. We will design a custom portfolio to help you achieve your unique investment goals



1  We work virtually - This means that meetings are conducted by way of various video calls, phone calls and screencasts.

2  We use technology extensively for planning, communication and investment management.

3  Although we use technology extensively, we take pride in our hands-on approach and personalized service.


Contact Us

Have a question? Send us a quick note and we will get right back to you.

What's Your Wealth Building Potential?

Take a short assessment to gain some insight on your potential to build and maintain wealth.

What's Your Investment Risk Number?

Take a short assessment to discover your investment risk tolerance expressed as a number. An advisor will contact you to discuss the results and offer you a free analysis of your current investment portfolio

Schedule a Call or Meeting

Schedule a free 30 minute introductory phone call or video chat